I’ve had some good thoughts about living rising up over the last few days, and a good one this evening after getting home from work. I’ll get onto those in a minute.
Over the last 6 months I’ve been trying to get over an eating habit I’ve had since July last year. When I was living in up Newcastle UK I was renting a place. I fell into the habit of eating pizza and garlic bread every single night, almost without fail. My favorite garlic bread was the tear and share from Tesco’s which I’d have to myself as a starter, then the finest range pizza from Tesco’s. I managed to still lose weight because of the amazing amount of exercise I was doing, but can you imagine how much more I’d have lost without those calories! Never mind…
A few months ago, I decided that it would be great if it were possible to get rid of ‘unwanted activities’ in my life. These are difficult ones to remove because they are so enjoyable, but counteract the work done towards another goal. This results in little gain towards the main goal resulting in dissatisfaction. I don’t know if I could call it ‘Stringing Out’ activities and ‘Stringing In’ replacement ones.
I weighed up all the positives of giving up, such as not spending between £6-£8 every night on pizza and garlic bread, getting back 30 min of my life after work by not going to the supermarket to buy it, and losing a little more weight by not taking in all those calories.
I have now managed to get my pizza eating down to just Saturday nights, and without the garlic bread. This has only been happening for about 3 weeks now. I also string in a session at the gym every night just on cardio and stick to eating chicken.
Tonight, I came up with a new idea towards thinking positive out of the blue, and that is that you should be permanently happy, because you are in control of your thoughts, words, and what you do every single waking moment of your life. With that in mind, this idea may help you put aside thoughts about events that are dragging you down, and replace them with a something you’d rather be thinking about or doing.
I also had an amazing idea to help me get my product to market quicker about 1 hour ago. A few weeks ago I made a decision to get quotes for tooling a particular major part of my V2O Digital Shower product, the plastic bezel which houses a 7” custom screen. It requires a complicated plastic moulding tool with what they call side actions. This means that the tool itself has moving parts making it expensive, about £27,000.
Tonight, I decided that if the bezel was made in two relatively simple moulded pieces rather than a single complicated piece, which were then glued together during assembly, the tool would be massively cheaper since there would be no side actions, no moving parts, and I could go for what’s called ‘soft tooling’ where it is made from aluminium rather than steel. This has made me enormously happy.